Friday, January 30, 2009

How to get to each class on time

How to get to each class on time- First easy thing to get to each class on time is sit in the seat next to the door, so you can be the first person out the door. Next, if you have to go to your locker to get your book for your next class, set your combination so when you go to your locker you just pull the lock off. If you have to use the bathroom before you go to your next period but, you don't want to be late if you have to run or power walk do that. If your class on the 3 floor and your friend want to talk to you, and you don't have anytime you tell them to text you. If your teacher talk to you before/after the bell ring and he talk to for 2 minutes, and you have 2 minutes to go to your class an he/she tells you, you won't be late and you knew you will. If he don't give you a pass, find a friend that writes like a teacher and have him/she write a pass for you.

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