Monday, January 26, 2009

Goals and changes I'd like to make for second semester

The goals and changes I'd like to make for second semester is pass all my classes and I have to retake drivers ed over.Do well in Spanish 2 do anything to keep the A+ up. Do a lot of work in Mr. Barr class to bring it up to an A+. The rest of my classes I'm doing really well. My goal is to have straight A's in each class. Next,stay coming to each classes on time. Also stay on the honor roll until the end of the school year. The changes I want to make is do good on the quizzes in each class specially 2,3,and 8 periods.Do extra credit work if I'm doing good or bad in that class.I will always come to school prepare. I will always come to school before class start. While doing my goals also have fun.

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