Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ultimate Driving Experience

Once upon a time I was riding in my 2008 BMW M3. I was taking my sister, my 2 brothers, and my mom to California for a vacation. I pick them up but, they didn't know I was taking them to California Hotel Casino Las Vegas; they always wanted to go there. In the car we play loud music and play games. My mom was always on her cell phone. We stop at McDonald's to get something to eat. I was mad because we was in the car for 45 minutes and they were starving already. Also I had to pay because my mom didn't wanted to but, Lucky my step day gave me $10,000 dollars it pose to go to the room at the hotel. We went on our way, my mom was making me mad because, she wanted to smoke and I told her no. It was getting dark so I took to Old Country Buffet. We was in there for 2 hours that didn't make no since. So went to Vancany hotel, when I put up into the parking lot my family snap. They didn't wanted stay there because of the movie Vacancy. They told me they rather sleep in the car and shower at another hotel. We end up sleeping in the car, the next morning we went to shower at Comfort Inn Kansas City. It was so nice we stay there over night. I had $750,00 left I was mad as ever. I told them we only to stop for bathrooms, shower, and food. They look at me crazy but, to me seriously. We finally was in California, I was so happy. Before I took them to the hotel we went to Six flags, my mom went to a club, and we went to a party. At midnight I told them I had an surprise for them they was so excited when I said that. They was bind folded, when I put up to the parking lot. They got out the car so fast and took the bind folded off, they started to scream, cried, and fall on the ground. They was so happy and my mom told me I helped you paid for the rooms. We was about to go in the hotel and all of sudden I saw Kate Beckinsale coming out the hotel. I started to scream, cried, and almost faithing. I came over and I ask for her autograph and she gave it to me. I was happy I saw her and she parked her next to mine. I record her leaving and my mom look at me crazy. When were about to go in I heard a sound. I turn around and Kate Beckinsale chauffeur hit my car. I started to cried and Kate Becinsale got out and she was shocked and she started to cried. She came to me and she told me she will give me another one and pay for the rooms. I was happy when she said. We was in the hotel for 2 weeks and when we check out, I saw Kate beckinsale standing next to the car that she promise to give me. I thank her and my family went back to Chicago and told my other family what happen.

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