Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What do you think about the amout of violence on TV?

I think it's crazy because when they put so much violence on the TV, people will do the same thing and that's how violence start, and people kill for no reason. Next, if they show postive things people won't be kill everyday it will be postive everyday. Next, some people don't even care who they kill, you can't even walk outside without knowing you might be kill or not. The violence on TV shouldn't be on there beacuse they mostly shows guns, sex, and alchol , and young people are picking up from the TV because they think it's ok and nonthing won't happen to them. Also they think It's a free country and they can get awary with it.

What kind of animal would you like to be and why?

First I would like to be an greyhound because they fast and they always stay in shape. Next, they sensitive, sweet, and brave just like me. They chase things that moves quickly. Also they always in a race. The next I would be is a puppy because they sweet and they always have a puppy look. They spend their time sleeping. They like to wrestling and chase people which I like to do for fun. The last animal I would be is a pit bull because it's the dangerously animal on earth and it would protect you from animals. Also they can be friendly and they always in shape.

If you could do whatever you wanted to do right now, what would you do?

Right now I probably would go to a lot of store and buy video games and play them at home. Next, I would buy me some cars and buy me a house. Also I would go out everyday and party with some friends. Next, I probably visits other states. Most time I would stay at home and play video games. I probably throw eggs at people houses or break a house that people don't live there anymore. I would ride in some police car and fly in a airplane. I would travel to the moon. I would live in the white house with Obama. I probably would go on a boat cruise.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ultimate Driving Experience

Once upon a time I was riding in my 2008 BMW M3. I was taking my sister, my 2 brothers, and my mom to California for a vacation. I pick them up but, they didn't know I was taking them to California Hotel Casino Las Vegas; they always wanted to go there. In the car we play loud music and play games. My mom was always on her cell phone. We stop at McDonald's to get something to eat. I was mad because we was in the car for 45 minutes and they were starving already. Also I had to pay because my mom didn't wanted to but, Lucky my step day gave me $10,000 dollars it pose to go to the room at the hotel. We went on our way, my mom was making me mad because, she wanted to smoke and I told her no. It was getting dark so I took to Old Country Buffet. We was in there for 2 hours that didn't make no since. So went to Vancany hotel, when I put up into the parking lot my family snap. They didn't wanted stay there because of the movie Vacancy. They told me they rather sleep in the car and shower at another hotel. We end up sleeping in the car, the next morning we went to shower at Comfort Inn Kansas City. It was so nice we stay there over night. I had $750,00 left I was mad as ever. I told them we only to stop for bathrooms, shower, and food. They look at me crazy but, to me seriously. We finally was in California, I was so happy. Before I took them to the hotel we went to Six flags, my mom went to a club, and we went to a party. At midnight I told them I had an surprise for them they was so excited when I said that. They was bind folded, when I put up to the parking lot. They got out the car so fast and took the bind folded off, they started to scream, cried, and fall on the ground. They was so happy and my mom told me I helped you paid for the rooms. We was about to go in the hotel and all of sudden I saw Kate Beckinsale coming out the hotel. I started to scream, cried, and almost faithing. I came over and I ask for her autograph and she gave it to me. I was happy I saw her and she parked her next to mine. I record her leaving and my mom look at me crazy. When were about to go in I heard a sound. I turn around and Kate Beckinsale chauffeur hit my car. I started to cried and Kate Becinsale got out and she was shocked and she started to cried. She came to me and she told me she will give me another one and pay for the rooms. I was happy when she said. We was in the hotel for 2 weeks and when we check out, I saw Kate beckinsale standing next to the car that she promise to give me. I thank her and my family went back to Chicago and told my other family what happen.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rosa Parks

On this day in 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. This was a brave action by Parks. The bravest thing I ever done is last week, I almost beat someone up because they was messing with my friend. I think it's brave because if I wasn't there something could happen to her.

Friday, November 21, 2008

All About Anonymous

What is your favorite subject? Journalsim yearbook

What color are your socks right now? white, orange, brown

What was the last thing that you ate? onion rings and taco

Can you drive? yes

If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why? blue/white cause they are my favorite color

The last person spoke to on the phone? my auntie

What is your favorite candy? M&m's

Favorite Drink? Coca-Cola

What is your favorite sport to watch? football

Have you ever dyed your hair? no

Pets? no

Favorite Food? Chinese foood

What was the last movie you watched? Eagle Eye

What do you do to vent anger? controll myself

What was your favorite toy as a child? keys

What is your favorite season fall or spring? spring

Cherries or blueberries? both

When was the last time you laughed? yesterday in 6pd

What did you do last night? watch tv, eat, sleep

Favorite smells? perfumed, soap

what inspire you? god, family, friends

What are you afraid of? killers

Favorite dog breed? snow dog,puppies, grey hounds

Number of keys on your king ring? 5

Favorite day of the week? Friday-Sunday

How many states have you lived in? 1

Favorite holiday? Christmans,Thanksgiving

Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery? no

Ever left the country? yes

Favorite kid of music? Hip Hop, R&B, Rock, Rap

Last book you read? Funny Boy

Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning madness

The drama that goes on in my life from when my alarm goes off to when you arrive to first period. When it is about to Monday morning, and my mom have to go to work and I have to got to school her boyfriend be starting the argument. It will lead to yelling, making noise, and the lights turning on. It takes them about 30 minutes to calm down. Then my mom get she still be tired from aruging with him. When that alarm go off for me to get up I be so mad because, I didn't get enough sleep last night beacuse of my mom boyfriend.I have to deal with this almost everday.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Something not very many people know about me

Not people know about me is I'm smart, sometimes quit, I'm not phony, and I don't tell people people business. Also I'm outgoing, on my sphere time I like to play video games. I talk on the phone a lot. I do go to the movies a lot. I'm not outspoken. Some of my friends say I'm crazy But, I'm really not I just make them laugh a lot. I'm a cool person, just don't make mad or don't do anything stupid to get on my bad side.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What is the worst thing a parent can do to their child? Why?

The worst thing a parent can do to their child is abuse them, murder, or have someone kidnap them. Why? because if there kids getting on there nerve and they tired of it and stress out, they will kill them and put them in the garage. Most parents will give there child away because they don't want them anymore or they chose there man or girl over there child. Also they will have someone kidnap there kids and try to play it off with the police. Some parent will drown there kids or set the house on fire while they sleep. Some parents will have their dad or someone they know raped them. Parent will beat there kids to deaf. Also they will put there kids in the basement and let them sleep in there or they will let them go days without feeding them.